April - Oktober
Folklore Aufführungen in Čilipi werden jeden Sonntag von Ostern bis Ende Oktober abgehalten. Auf dem Ortplatz vor der Kirche des Hl. Nikola wird Sie die Gruppe des kulturell-künstlerischen Vereins von Čilipi, nach der Sonntagsmesse um 11:15 Uhr, durch Gesang und Tanz mit den Bräuchen von Konavle bekannt machen. Ein Besuch in Čilipi bietet auch die Möglichkeit für einen Besuch des Heimatmuseums von Konavle, welches wertvolle ethnologische Schätze von Konavle bewahrt, sowie auch die Möglichkeit für den Kauf eines originellen Souvenirs mit Motiven der weitbekannten Handarbeiten von Konavle.
Every Friday from April 19th to October 31st at 06:30 pm (April & October at 06:00 pm)
Did you know that Cavtat was a part of the famous Dubrovnik Republic for centuries? In this small yet exceptional state lived individuals whose biographies would make for the most thrilling movie scripts. At the Inspiring Lives - Everlasting Legends storytelling experience, learn about Dubrovnik’s greatest philanthropist whose journey from poverty to affluence began thanks to an ordinary lizard. Discover why one girl chose death over returning to her lustful master, and how another one challenged societal norms with her beauty and intelligence. Find out why to this day a street in Dubrovnik remains named after a cold-blooded murderer who had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Note: The event is free and conducted in English. No prior registration is required. Meeting point: here.
About the storyteller: Born and raised in Dubrovnik, Vedran Mezei is a professional tour guide and has published two books in the English language. His historical novel The Third Key has been a bestseller in Dubrovnik bookshops for the past several years. Apart from being a writer, a tour guide, and a storyteller, Vedran has also appeared on screen as a National Geographic Co-Host. Find out more at:
April, June
Inspired by the wonderful, hidden gardens, which shine anew every spring, the Konavle Tourist Board is organising a series of concerts called Secret Garden Concerts, for the first time this year, and they will take place from April to the end of June.
In the gardens of Bukovac House, the monastery of Our Lady of Snow in Cavtat, and the monastery of St. Blaise in Pridvorje, on the terrace of Villa Banac in Cavtat and on the island of Supetar, you will be able to enjoy concerts performed by mostly local musicians. This year they are the Sorkočević Quartet, the Brass & Percussion Septet of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, Maja Grgić & Teo Martinović, Dora Kamber & Pero Škobelj and Gadjo Manouche.
Mai, Juni, Juli
Das vom Kunstverein Konavle organisierte Festival Glazba i riječ („Musik und Wort“) findet unmittelbar vor Beginn der Hauptsaison statt und umfasst eine Reihe kultureller Programme mit Künstlern aus Kroatien und dem Ausland. Das Festival ist ein äußerst wertvolles Angebot für in- und ausländische Besucher und bereichert das kulturelle Angebot der Gemeinde Konavle. Das Festival pflegt den pädagogischen Teil, fördert junge, lokale Künstler und hat einen pädagogischen Charakter für Kinder.
May, June, September, October
Costumed storytelling tour - Cavtat's History Brought to Life – a Theatrical Experience on Foot is one more addition to the series of new programs of the Cavtat Konavle Tourist Board, which is being organized in Cavtat for the first time this tourist season. It is an unusual combination of a guided tour and a theatre performance. The performance is being done by the tourist guide Vedran Mezei and the members of the Theatre Company Kolarin from Dubrovnik.
Costumed storytelling tour is a kind of journey through the past of Cavtat through its streets and landmarks, and visitors visit them in the company of some of the most important historical figures who stayed here. The time frame of the stories the guests will hear is the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, when Cavtat was a home to some of the most prominent Croatian artists, politicians and businessmen.
Everything starts in Villa Banac, where visitors are welcomed by the owner of the house, Božo Banac. He will talk about the interesting facts from his biography, as well as details of the visit of the English royal family, which he hosted here in 1936. Guests will have the opportunity to meet his first wife, Marija Račić Banac, who reveals the details of her tragic death, but also the intriguing love story between her and Ivan Meštrović. The storytelling tour then moves to the streets of Cavtat where, under the Banac villa, we meet Tino Pattiera, one of the biggest opera stars of the first half of the 20th century. Tour participants will meet the legal expert, passionate collector and true erudite Baltazar Bogišić in front of the centre of his collection in the Rector's Palace. On the square, guests will meet Jelka Miš, who talks about herself, the Konavle connection and her valuable association. Of course, there is also a small embroiderer from Jelka's school. We will then be going towards House Bukovac. Interestingly, the guests are not greeted by the famous painter but by his wife Jelica (because Vlaho is painting in his studio). She will greet them in the garden. She will tell the audience about her harmonious marriage, joint trips and other details from their lives.
Finally, in front of the Church of Our Lady of the Snow, the participants of the event will meet the Croatian politician Fran Supilo. In front of his monument, he will reveal to those gathered why even after his death he could not have peace even in his native Cavtat.
Juni - September
Der Sommer von Cavtat ist eine kulturell unterhaltsame Veranstaltung, welche jedes Jahr im Zeitraum von Ende Juni bis Anfang September abgehalten wird und verschiedenartige kulturelle und unterhaltsame Programme bietet.
Im Gefüge des Sommers von Cavtat, vorwiegend auf den Sommerbühnen von Cavtat im Freien, werden zahlreiche Aufführungen und Konzerte abgehalten: Konzerte der ernsten Musik, Konzerte von Gesangsvereinen (klape), Folklore Aufführungen, Auftritte von Tanzgruppen, Straßenkünstler und andere. Alle Programme sind für die Besucher kostenlos.
Juli - September
Kino Mediteran ist ein Projekt zur Wiederbelebung von Kinos in Dalmatien mit dem Hauptziel, Kinosäle wiederzubeleben und Filmprogramme in kleinere Gebiete in ganz Dalmatien zu bringen, in denen Kinos lange Zeit geschlossen waren. Das Projekt wird derzeit an 30 Standorten durchgeführt. Kino Mediteran präsentiert aktuelle Filmtitel, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf den hochwertigsten Filmen des europäischen und Weltkinos liegt. Durch die Aufnahme in das Kinderfilmprogramm ermöglichten wir vielen der jüngsten Besucher, zum ersten Mal ins Kino zu kommen und einen Film auf der großen Leinwand zu sehen. Neben dem Verleih eigener Filme kooperiert Kino Mediteran mit allen kroatischen Verleihern und einer Vielzahl von Filmfestivals und bietet dem Publikum so ein neues und attraktives Kinoprogramm.
Das Epidaurus Festival ist ein junges Musikfestival, im Jahr 2007 zum ersten Mal abgehalten, welches auch andere künstlerische Inhalte beinhaltet (dramatische, literarische, lehrreiche, Folklore). Die Pianistin aus Dubrovnik, mit Wurzeln aus Cavtat, Marija Vidović hat es angeregt und führt es, mit dem Wunsch, Cavtat, welches sie unmessbar liebt und wohin sie immer wieder zurückkehrt, durch ausgezeichnete künstlerische Inhalte zu bereichern.
Das Festival bietet zahlreiche Konzerte international bekannter Künstler, sowie auch Auftritte junger Künstler, welchen in einer besonderen Sektion des Festivals «Junge Talente» Raum und Anreiz für einen weiteren Fortschritt in der Karriere gegeben wird.
Alle Tangoliebhaber können in Konavle ein wahres Vergnügen genießen: das Konavle Tango Dream, Retreat & Festival. Der Verein Tango Dubrovnik organisiert eine Tanz- und Unterhaltungswoche in der wunderschönen Umgebung von Konavle. Neben Tango-Tanz, Milonga-Tanz und verschiedenen Workshops haben Besucher die Möglichkeit, Besichtigungen, verschiedene Aktivitäten, Ausflüge und die spektakulären Strände von Konavle zu genießen.
Weihnachtsdufte in Konavle ist eine Veranstaltung, die 2008 gestartet hat als ein Beförderungsevent im Dorftourismus von Konavle, in der Form des größten damaligen Weihnachtsgesangs in Kroatien. Diese Weihnachtsveranstaltung hat sich allmählich als ein erkennbares Touristikprodukt positioniert, was eine zusätzliche Bereicherung des gesamten Dubrovnik als Reiseziels darstellt. Den Weihnachtsduften in Konavle wurde der Preis - die Goldurkunde "Die Sonnenblume des Dorftourismus Kroatiens " für die beste Landtourismus-Veranstaltung verliehen.
14.10.2024., Monday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & Festival: Open tango lesson & Milonga de Bienvenida – Tango DubrovnikKonavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & Festival: Open tango lesson – Tango Dubrovnik
Culture centre, Cavtat / 17:30 – 18:30:
Argentine tango open class for beginners, introduction to the school for beginners Instructor Miloš Miloradović At the beginning of a wonderful week filled with tango dance and music, we are having a tango open class for all those who are curious to try it out and decide if they wanted to pursue it further. Everybody is welcome.
Practice for more advanced dancers - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 19:00 – 20:00:
Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & Festival: Milonga de Bienvenida – Tango Dubrovnik
Culture centre, Cavtat / 20:00 – 23:00:
Milonga de Bienvenida + Concert by Aleksandar & Ivana Nikolić (Beltango), DJ Shone
All additional information can be found on the link below: |
15.10.2024., Tuesday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalSchool for beginners - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 17:00 – 18:30
Tour of Konavle - sights and landmarks of Konavle Konavle / 16:00 – 18:00 * Registration required for the excursion and dinner before the start of the Milonga
Joint dinner in a rural household Konoba Ivankovi / 18:30 – 20:00
Milonga after dinner – DJ Nikola Konoba Ivankovi / 20:00 – 23:00 *Konoba Ivankovi:
15.10.2024., Tuesday | Croatian Book Month 2024 - Why, how and what Vylson reads to children - IN CROATIANCavtat Branch (Dubrovnik Libraries) / 18:00:
WHY, HOW AND WHAT VYLSON READS TO CHILDREN reading and workshop for children and parents with blogger Vildana Mrša – IN CROATIAN |
16.10.2024., Wednesday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalBoat trip from Cavtat to Dubrovnik, tour of the Old Town, lunch in the Old Town, return by boat to Cavtat Cavtat, Dubrovnik / 10:00 – 15:00 *Registration for the excursion is mandatory
School for beginners - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 17:00 – 18:30
Tour of Konavle - sights and landmarks of Konavle Konavle / 16:00 – 18:00 * Registration required for the excursion and dinner before the start of the Milonga
Joint dinner in a rural household Kuća Glavić, Poljice/ 18:30 – 20:00
Milonga after dinner – DJ Marko Kuća Glavić, Poljice / 20:00 – 23:00 *Kuća Glavić: |
17.10.2024., Thursday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalTour of Konavle - sights and landmarks of Konavle Konavle, Cavtat / 10:00 – 15:00 * Registration required for the excursion and lunch
School for beginners - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 17:00 – 18:30
Afternoon milonga - DJ Nikola Culture centre, Čilipi/ 15:00 – 19:00
Workshop 1 - Miloš Miloradović & Helena Štrbac Culture centre, Čilipi/ 19:15 – 20:45
Milonga – DJ Dino Culture centre, Čilipi / 21:00 – 01:00 |
18.10.2024., Friday | A storytelling experience in Cavtat - Inspiring Lives - Everlasting LegendsPiano bar of the Hotel Croatia, Cavtat / 18:00: (18:00 in April, October; 18:30 in May, June, July, August, September)
Every Friday from April 19th to October 31st
At the Inspiring Lives - Everlasting Legends storytelling experience, learn about inspiring lives and legends of this area. Vedran Mezei, a professional tour guide will be your storyteller in the most interesting way.. |
18.10.2024., Friday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalTour of Konavle - sights and landmarks of Konavle Konavle, Vinica Monković / 10:00 – 15:00 * Registration required for the excursion and lunch
Workshop 2 - Luka Lovrić & Barbara Keran Culture centre, Cavtat/ 15:30 – 17:00
Workshop 3 - Miloš Miloradović & Helena Štrbac Culture centre, Cavtat/ 17:15 – 18:45
School for beginners - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 19:00 – 20:30
Milonga with performance Miloš & Helena – DJ Barbara Culture centre, Čilipi / 21:00 – 02:00 |
19.10.2024., Saturday | Concert of a capela group INTRADESports hall, Gruda / 20:00:
Concert of the a capela group INTRADE on the occasion of Konavle Municipality Day. |
19.10.2024., Saturday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalTour of Cavtat Cavtat / 10:00 – 12:00
Joint lunch in Cavtat Cavtat / 12:30 – 14:00 * Registration required for the lunch
Workshop 4 - Luka Lovrić & Barbara Keran Culture centre, Cavtat/ 13:45 – 15:15
Workshop 5 - Luka Lovrić & Barbara Keran Culture centre, Cavtat/ 15:30 – 17:00
Workshop 6 - Miloš Miloradović & Helena Štrbac Culture centre, Cavtat/ 17:15 – 18:45
School for beginners - Instructor Miloš Miloradović Culture centre, Cavtat / 19:00 – 20:30
Milonga with performance Luka & Barbara – DJ Melisa Culture centre, Čilipi / 21:00 – 02:00 |
19.10.2024., Saturday | Croatian Book Month 2024 - Why, how and what Vylson reads to children - IN CROATIANCavtat Branch (Dubrovnik Libraries) / 17:00:
"BE THE PARENT I NEED - THE WAY OF SUPPORT" presentation of the book by Darko Kobetić, prof.reh.– IN CROATIAN |
20.10.2024., Sunday | Čilipi Folklor– Folklore performanceČilipi, square in front of the St. Nicholas' Church / 09:30 – 12:00: Folklore performance in Čilipi takes place every Sunday, from Easter till the end of October. At the local square, in front of the St. Nicholas' Church, after the Sunday Mass, at 11.15, the local folklore ensemble will introduce you with the customs and traditions of Konavle. |
20.10.2024., Sunday | Costumed storytelling tour - Cavtat's History Brought to Life – a Theatrical Experience on Foot - IN CROATIANVilla Banac, Cavtat / 16:00:
Costumed storytelling tour - Cavtat's History Brought to Life – a Theatrical Experience on Foot is one more addition to the series of new programs of the Cavtat Konavle Tourist Board, which is being organized in Cavtat for the first time this tourist season. It is an unusual combination of a guided tour and a theatre performance. The performance is being done by the tourist guide Vedran Mezei and the members of the Theatre Company Kolarin from Dubrovnik.
Costumed storytelling tour is a kind of journey through the past of Cavtat through its streets and landmarks, and visitors visit them in the company of some of the most important historical figures who stayed here. The time frame of the stories the guests will hear is the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, when Cavtat was a home to some of the most prominent Croatian artists, politicians and businessmen.
Everything starts in Villa Banac, where visitors are welcomed by the owner of the house Božo Banac… See you!! |
20.10.2024., Sunday | Konavle Tango Dream - Tango Retreat & FestivalSightseeing tour: Folklore in Čilipi, welcome drink and joint dance to the rhythm of the waltz at the end of the folklore performance Čilipi / 10:00 – 12:00
Joint lunch in Seoska kuća Seoska kuća, Čilipi / 12:30 – 14:00 * Registration required for the lunch
Milonga – DJ Helena Seoska kuća, Čilipi / 14:00 – 17:00 |
22.10.2024., Tuesday | Croatian Book Month 2024 – TELL ME… ABOUT PAZIJA (FORAGING)! - IN CROATIAN & IN ENGLISHCavtat Branch (Dubrovnik Libraries) / 17:00:
TELL ME… ABOUT PAZIJA (FORAGING)! - presentation of the book "Pazija" and pazija party – IN CROATIAN & IN ENGLISH |
25.10.2024., Friday | A storytelling experience in Cavtat - Inspiring Lives - Everlasting LegendsPiano bar of the Hotel Croatia, Cavtat / 18:00: (18:00 in April, October; 18:30 in May, June, July, August, September)
Every Friday from April 19th to October 31st
At the Inspiring Lives - Everlasting Legends storytelling experience, learn about inspiring lives and legends of this area. Vedran Mezei, a professional tour guide will be your storyteller in the most interesting way. |
27.10.2024., Sunday | Čilipi Folklor– Folklore performanceČilipi, square in front of the St. Nicholas' Church / 09:30 – 12:00: Folklore performance in Čilipi takes place every Sunday, from Easter till the end of October. At the local square, in front of the St. Nicholas' Church, after the Sunday Mass, at 11.15, the local folklore ensemble will introduce you with the customs and traditions of Konavle. |
28.10.2024., Monday | Croatian Book Month 2024 - Why, how and what Vylson reads to children - IN CROATIANCavtat Branch (Dubrovnik Libraries) / 19:00:
ABOUT QUALITY PICTURE BOOKS AND HOW TO READ THEM workshop with blogger Romana Ban intended for parents, educators, grandparents and all those who read to children – IN CROATIAN |