Abril - Octubre
Folklore events in Čilipi occur every Sunday from Easter till the end of October. At the local square in front of the St. Nicholas' Church, after the Sunday Mass which starts at 11.15, the local folklore ensemble will introduce you with the customs and traditions of Konavle. A visit to Čilipi is also an opportunity to see the County House which treasures valuable ethnological items, as well as to buy an original souvenir ornamented with the famed Konavle embroidery.
Every Friday from April 19th to October 31st at 06:30 pm (April & October at 06:00 pm)
Did you know that Cavtat was a part of the famous Dubrovnik Republic for centuries? In this small yet exceptional state lived individuals whose biographies would make for the most thrilling movie scripts. At the Inspiring Lives - Everlasting Legends storytelling experience, learn about Dubrovnik’s greatest philanthropist whose journey from poverty to affluence began thanks to an ordinary lizard. Discover why one girl chose death over returning to her lustful master, and how another one challenged societal norms with her beauty and intelligence. Find out why to this day a street in Dubrovnik remains named after a cold-blooded murderer who had been sentenced to life imprisonment.
Note: The event is free and conducted in English. No prior registration is required. Meeting point: here.
About the storyteller: Born and raised in Dubrovnik, Vedran Mezei is a professional tour guide and has published two books in the English language. His historical novel The Third Key has been a bestseller in Dubrovnik bookshops for the past several years. Apart from being a writer, a tour guide, and a storyteller, Vedran has also appeared on screen as a National Geographic Co-Host. Find out more at: www.3keys-tours.com
April, June
Inspired by the wonderful, hidden gardens, which shine anew every spring, the Konavle Tourist Board is organising a series of concerts called Secret Garden Concerts, for the first time this year, and they will take place from April to the end of June.
In the gardens of Bukovac House, the monastery of Our Lady of Snow in Cavtat, and the monastery of St. Blaise in Pridvorje, on the terrace of Villa Banac in Cavtat and on the island of Supetar, you will be able to enjoy concerts performed by mostly local musicians. This year they are the Sorkočević Quartet, the Brass & Percussion Septet of the Dubrovnik Symphony Orchestra, Maja Grgić & Teo Martinović, Dora Kamber & Pero Škobelj and Gadjo Manouche.
Mayo, Junio, Julio
El Festival de Música y Palabra, organizado por la asociación Konavle Art, se celebra justo antes del inicio de la temporada principal e incluye una serie de programas culturales con artistas croatas y extranjeros.
El festival es una oferta muy valiosa para los visitantes locales y extranjeros y enriquece la oferta cultural del municipio de Konavle. El festival presta especial atención al caracter educativo, promueve a los artistas jóvenes locales y tiene un carácter educativo para los niños.
May, June, September, October
Costumed storytelling tour - Cavtat's History Brought to Life – a Theatrical Experience on Foot is one more addition to the series of new programs of the Cavtat Konavle Tourist Board, which is being organized in Cavtat for the first time this tourist season. It is an unusual combination of a guided tour and a theatre performance. The performance is being done by the tourist guide Vedran Mezei and the members of the Theatre Company Kolarin from Dubrovnik.
Costumed storytelling tour is a kind of journey through the past of Cavtat through its streets and landmarks, and visitors visit them in the company of some of the most important historical figures who stayed here. The time frame of the stories the guests will hear is the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, when Cavtat was a home to some of the most prominent Croatian artists, politicians and businessmen.
Everything starts in Villa Banac, where visitors are welcomed by the owner of the house, Božo Banac. He will talk about the interesting facts from his biography, as well as details of the visit of the English royal family, which he hosted here in 1936. Guests will have the opportunity to meet his first wife, Marija Račić Banac, who reveals the details of her tragic death, but also the intriguing love story between her and Ivan Meštrović. The storytelling tour then moves to the streets of Cavtat where, under the Banac villa, we meet Tino Pattiera, one of the biggest opera stars of the first half of the 20th century. Tour participants will meet the legal expert, passionate collector and true erudite Baltazar Bogišić in front of the centre of his collection in the Rector's Palace. On the square, guests will meet Jelka Miš, who talks about herself, the Konavle connection and her valuable association. Of course, there is also a small embroiderer from Jelka's school. We will then be going towards House Bukovac. Interestingly, the guests are not greeted by the famous painter but by his wife Jelica (because Vlaho is painting in his studio). She will greet them in the garden. She will tell the audience about her harmonious marriage, joint trips and other details from their lives.
Finally, in front of the Church of Our Lady of the Snow, the participants of the event will meet the Croatian politician Fran Supilo. In front of his monument, he will reveal to those gathered why even after his death he could not have peace even in his native Cavtat.
Junio - Septiembre
El verano de Cavtat es un evento cultural y de entretenimiento, que se celebra cada año en el período comprendido entre finales de junio hasta principios de septiembre, ofreciendo una variedad de programas culturales y de entretenimiento.
UComo parte del Verano de Cavtat, en el escenario al aire libre, se organizan numerosos eventos y conciertos: conciertos de música clásica, conciertos de música tradicional, eventos folclóricos, actuaciones de grupos de baile, artistas callejeros y mucho más. Todos los programas son gratis para los visitantes.
Julio - Septiembre
Cinema Mediterranean es un proyecto para la revitalización de los cines en Dalmacia, cuyo principal objetivo es revitalizar las salas de cine y llevar la programación cinematográfica a zonas más pequeñas de Dalmacia donde los cines han estado cerrados durante mucho tiempo. El proyecto se lleva a cabo actualmente en 30 ubicaciones.
Cinema Mediterranean programa títulos de películas actuales para su público, pero centrándose en las películas de mayor calidad del cine europeo y mundial. Incluyéndolos en el programa de películas para niños, Cinema ha permitido que muchos de los visitantes más jóvenes vinieran al cine por primera vez y vieran una película en pantalla grande. Cinema Mediterranean, además de distribuir sus propias películas, coopera con todos los distribuidores croatas y con un gran número de festivales de cine, ofreciendo así al público una programación cinematográfica nueva y atractiva.
Epidaurus Festival, un festival de música, celebrado por primera vez en 2007, también incluye otras formas de arte (teatro, literatura, educacción y folclore). Fue establecido por una pianista de Cavtat raíces, Ivana Marija Vidovic, con el objetivo que Cavtat, al que ama inmensamente, y al que siempre vuelve, enriquece con los máximos eventos artísticos.
Festival incluye numerosos conciertos de artistas de renombre internacional, así como las actuaciones de los artistas jóvenes, que a través de un programa especial llamado " Talentos jóvenes " da el espacio y el estímulo para su posterior desarrollo profesional.
Todos los amantes del Tango pueden disfrutar de un verdadero placer en Konavle, el Konavle Tango Dream, Retreat & Festival. La asociación Tango Dubrovnik organiza una semana de baile y convivencia en el magnífico entorno de Konavle. Además de disfrutar de bailes de Tango y Milonga y diversos talleres, los visitantes tienen la oportunidad de disfrutar de recorridos turísticos, diversas actividades, excursiones y las espectaculares playas de Konavle.
Detailed schedule and registration form is at:
La manifestación "Aromas de Navidad de Konavle" se inició en el año 2008 como un evento de promoción de turismo rural Konavle en forma de villancico más grande de Croacia. Con el tiempo se posicionó como un producto turístico distintivo, que da un valor añadido a todo destino turístico de Dubrovnik.
16.02.2025., Sunday | Cavtat Winter Children's Carnival - TZO Konavle, Udruga Mame Cavtat, Karnevalska udruga DominaliHotel Croatia, Cavtat / from 14:30:
Cavtat Winter Children's Carnival 14:30 - Gathering of costumed groups at 14:30 and formation of a parade in front of the Cavtat Cultural Centre. 15:00 - The parade heads towards the hotel led by the Cavtat Brass Band and majorettes 15:30 - Presentation of the groups at the hotel and a program with majorettes, dance groups and the Magical Masquerade Ball Show of the Clown Šarenko!
Come and have fun with us! |
27.02.2025., Thursday | Dominali carnival - TZO Konavle, Udruga Mame Cavtat, Karnevalska udruga DominaliCulture centre, Cavtat / at 20:00
Dominali carnival - traditional carnival procession through Cavtat and traditional carnival dance at Culture centre. |
04.03.2025., Tuesday | The Final day of Carnival - TZO Konavle, Udruga Mame Cavtat, Karnevalska udruga DominaliHotel Croatia, Cavtat / 20:00:
Traditional Final day of Carnival will be held in the Night club of the hotel Croatia! The band Diktatori and DJ Bačvar are in charge for the music!!! |
08.03.2025., Saturday | KONOVIZIJA – Max MediaHotel Croatia, Cavtat / 20:00: Konovizija – Max Media The eigth Konovizija is being held on Saturday, March the 8th, 2025, at the Hotel Croatia in Cavtat, starting at 8 p.m. As a part of the program, the contestants from 15 Konavle villages/towns and the city of Dubrovnik will perform. Kate Lujo, Toni Čeović and Juraj Magud are the hosts of the program. You will also be able to watch Konovizija 2025 on the program of Libertas TV and Konovizija's official YouTube channel. |
20.04.2025., Sunday | Čilipi Folklor– Folklore performanceČilipi, square in front of the St. Nicholas' Church / 09:30 – 12:00: Folklore performance in Čilipi takes place every Sunday, from Easter till the end of October. At the local square, in front of the St. Nicholas' Church, after the Sunday Mass, at 11.15, the local folklore ensemble will introduce you with the customs and traditions of Konavle. |